Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Essay Structure Reminder

Basic Essay Structure REMINDER


Basic 3-paragraph essay reminder:

Para #1 Introduction
             a)   hook that grabs attention
             b)   Topic/thesis statement - what are you writing about
             c)    List of topic/detail (three is good)  you will use to provide evidence
             d)   Transition (hint:  make sure a work/phrase in your
                    transition sentence is ALSO in the 1st/2nd sentence
                    in the next paragraph - you can use a synonym, too)

Para #2  Body (3 topics with evidence/detail)
              a)  Topic sentence (this should be one of the list of topics you
                    listed in your intro)
              b)   evidence/example/detail
              a)   Topic # 2 (again, must have been mentioned in the intro)
              b)   evidence/example/detail

               a)   Topic #3
               b)   evidence/example/detail

               c)   Transition into conclusion

Para #3    Conclusion
                 a) Restate your thesis/topic
                 b) wrap up the information
                 c) offer your enlightened opinion based on what you have learned

The Hottest School in the World

The American School of Doha, home of the dragons, is the hottest in the Middle Eastern desert. I go to school there and I know that it provides students with a great education. In addition to having lots of activities and resources, ASD has a diverse, friendly, multicultural student body. Out of all the schools that I have attended, this school, located in the smallest, oil-rich country in the world, had the most impact on my life. 
“ASD is awesome.”
            Almost everyone I know says so. With over twenty different after school activities available, sometimes it’s hard to choose which one to participate in every week. For instance, drama, reading groups, sports, Academic Games are all activities we can choose. I learn new, interesting things everyday and my grades have gone up because I love what I’m learning. And can you believe it, ASD provides every student with a laptop. Seventy-four different countries and cultures are represented by the students. All are positive, active global citizens. Because ASD has so many wonderful aspects it is definitely one of the greatest school I have ever attended.
        ASD has had a great and significant impact on my life. I’ve been introduced to many new different things, people, cultures, and that’s why ASD will never leave my heart. ASD rocks, and I recommend it to any student who comes to Doha.


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